Private dining · Île d'Yeu

In the summer of 2019, I spent 4 weeks on this beautiful island off the coast of western France cooking for a private family and their many friends and visitors on the island.

Île D’Yeau being famous for its tuna and lobster fishing I had a great time going to the local daily farmers market in the morning and checking out the fish market which was open 7 days a week to see what was new and even some fish I had never used before. The quality of the fresh produce was excellent with some of the best fruit I’ve had since I spent a summer working in Mykonos 2013. Peaches, nectarines, plums, melons, strawberries, green gages, mirabelles, apricots and some amazing apples I was given by one of my client’s friends from their garden on the island.

It was a more relaxed vibe to when I cook for the same family in Verbier slightly less formal with a DIY set up in the morning, a buffet in the garden for lunch and in the evening a little more formal.

I enjoyed my time on the island cycling around checking out all the best views and beaches but mainly for the great produce I got to use.


Lumi Verbier · Collaboration